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Provisions for Student Management at Suzhou Vocational Health College

(college document [2017] No. 57)

Chapter One: General Provisions

Article One: These measures have been formulated in accordance with The Education Law of the People’s Republic of China, The Higher Education Law of the Republic of China, Provisions for Student Management at Higher Education Institutions, Constitutions of Suzhou Vocational Health College and other relevant provisions in light of specific conditions of our college. These are intended to maintain the normal order of education, teaching, and living in the college, to promote the all-round development of students and to protect their legitimate rights and interests. 

Article Two: These measures are applicable to the full-time students who are officially admitted by this college and are receiving the general higher education in this school.

Article Three: The college shall be conducted in adherence to the educational principles of the State, in the service of the socialist modernization drive under the guidance of Marxism; shall place moral education in the first place, apply moral education in education and teaching, cultivate and practice socialist core values, and promote Chinese advanced culture so as to cultivate students’ sense of social responsibility, innovative spirit and practical ability; shall adhere to the rule of law and scientific management, combine management with education to continuously improve management and service levels.

Article Four: Students shall support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, work hard to study Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, and the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, thoroughly study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of important speeches and new concepts, new ideas and strategies for state governance; stay true to self-confidence in the path of socialism, self-confidence in theory, self-confidence in system, self-confidence in culture, and establish the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics; shall establish a patriotic ideology, with a spirit of unity, love for peace, industriousness and courage, and self-improvement; should strengthen the concept of the rule of law, abide by the Constitution and laws, civic ethics, and the management system of the college in order to develop a good moral character and behavioral habit; shall study hard, be brave in exploration, actively practice, and strive to master modern scientific and cultural knowledge and professional skills; shall actively exercise to improve physical and mental health, to improve personal accomplishment and cultivate aesthetic taste.

Article Five: The college respects and protects the legal rights of students, educates and guides students to assume due obligations and responsibilities, and encourages and supports students to practice self-management, self-service, self-education, and self-supervision.

Chapter Two: Students’ Rights and Obligations

Article Six: Students shall enjoy the following rights in accordance with the law during their stay in the college:

(1) Participate in various activities arranged by the teaching plan, and use the  teaching resources provided by the college;

(2) Participate in activities such as social practice, voluntary service, work-study program, entertainment, sports, and technological and cultural innovation, and obtain employment and entrepreneurship guidance and services;

(3) Apply for scholarships, grants and student loans in accordance with relevant regulations;

(4) Obtain scientific and fair evaluation in terms of ideology, morality, academic performance, etc., and obtain corresponding academic certificates after completing the required studies;

(5) Organizing and participating in student groups within the college, participating in the management of the college in an appropriate manner, and enjoying the rights to know, participate, express and supervise matters related to the interests of the college and students;

(6) If you have any objection to the punishment or handling given by the college, you may file a complaint with the college or education administrative department; file a complaint or file a lawsuit according to the law for the violation of personal rights, property rights and other legitimate rights and interests by the college or staff;

(7) Other rights stipulated by laws, regulations and the constitution of the college.

Article Seven: Students shall perform the following obligations in accordance with the law during their stay in the college:

(1) Abide by the Constitution, laws and regulations;

(2) Abide by the constitution and rules and regulations of the college;

(3) Study hard, abide by academic ethics, and complete prescribed studies;

(4) Pay tuition and related fees as required, and fulfill corresponding obligations to obtain scholarships, student loans and grants;

(5) Abide by the code of conduct for students, respect teachers and classmates, and develop good ideological, moral and behavioral habits;

(6) Other obligations stipulated by laws, regulations and the constitution of the college.

Chapter Three: Student Status Management

Section 1 Admission and Registration

Article Eight: The freshmen admitted by our college have to register on their designated day of registration. Please present your Admission Notification and the relevant certificates stipulated by the college to the staffs when registering. Students must register in person. Keep in mind that no one can register on your behalf. If a student cannot register on his/her designated time of registration, he/she is required to apply for a leave of absence in advance. For those who failed to register on time and did not apply for a leave of absence, their absence will be deemed as waivering their admission qualification willingly. Students who have not register two weeks after their designated day of registration will be dismissed from the college.

Article Nine: When fershmen register, the Office of Student Affairs conducts a preliminary review of admission qualifications. Those who pass the review can go through the admission procedures, and the Office of Academic Affairs will register the student status. If it is found that the Admission Notification, candidate information and other certification materials are faked, or there are other violations of  regulations on the admission examinations, the admission qualification will be cancelled.

Article Ten: Freshmen can apply to retain their admission qualifications due to illness or enlistment. During that time, students will not have a student status. 

(1) Due to illness: If a freshman is found to suffer from an infectious disease or other disease that is not convenient for study during the physical examination but can be cured in a short period of time with the diagnosis certificate by the designated hospitals, students can fill out an application to retain the admission qualification for one year. It takes effect only after being reviewed by the department where the student belongs and the Office of Student Affairs and approved by the College Council. 

(2) Recruitment for the People’s Liberation Army of China (including the Chinese Armed Police Force): freshmen and the local Conscription Office in the enlisted county (city, district) should submit the application form and relevant certification materials to the college, and then the college will extend the eligibility of admission to 2 years after retirement.

(3) Those who are unable to enroll due to other factors shall apply by themselves. With the approval of the college, the admission qualification can be retained for one year.

Freshmen should apply for admission to the college before the expiration of the reserved admission qualification, and go through the admission procedures after the admission qualification is reviewed by the Office of Student Affairs. Students who retain their admission qualifications due to physical reasons and apply for admission should pass the physical examination by the designated hospital.

If the review fails, the admission qualification will be cancelled. Students who have not register two weeks after their designated day of registration and without any excuses will be dismissed from the college.

Article Eleven: After students are enrolled, the Office of Student Affairs will organize relevant departments to conduct a review within 3 months in accordance with the national enrollment regulations. The review will be conducted mainly from the following aspects:

(1) Whether the admission materials and procedures comply with the national admissions regulations;

(2) Whether the admission qualification obtained is true and complies with relevant regulations;

(3) Whether the person and the identity certificate are consistent with the admission notification and the candidates’ files;

(4) Whether the physical and mental health status in the physical examination meets the requirements for the major, and whether it can guarantee normal study and life in this school;

(5) Whether the professional level of admitted students who major in arts and sports meets the admission requirements.

If a student is found to have cheated or committed illegalities for personal gains , etc., it will be determined as unqualified in the review, and the student status should be cancelled; if the circumstances are serious, the college will transfer it to the relevant department for investigation and handling.

During the review, if it is found that the physical and mental conditions of the students are not suitable for studying in the school, to be more specific, they need to rest at home after being diagnosed by the designated hospitals, they can apply to retain their admission qualifications.

The procedures and methods of the freshmen review of the Office of Student Affairs can be referred.

Article Twelve: After admission, freshmen should check their student status on the Xuexin website within the time specified by the Office of Academic Affairs to verify whether their student status is registered and whether the information is accurate, ect..

Article Thirteen: At the beginning of each semester, students must go to the department to complete the registration procedures on time. Those who cannot register as scheduled must perform the procedure of suspending the registration. Those who fail to pay tuition fees in accordance with the regulations of the college or do not meet the registration requirements will not be registered.

Each department should submit the registration information within the first week of each semester to the Office of Academic Affairs.

Students with financial difficulties can firstly apply for student loans or other forms of financial aid in accordance with relevant regulations, and then are allowed to register in order to ensure that students do not give up their studies due to financial difficulties.

Section 2 Course Registration and Exemption

Article Fourteen:The college implements the academic-year-credit system for the management of students’ study. Students should register courses according to the teaching plan of the major and the course opening plan announced by each department under the guidance of teachers and counselors. The course load should meet the number of credits specified in the teaching plan per semester.

Article Fifteen: According to the relevant regulations of the college, students can take extra credits or second majors; they can apply for inter-school education to take second majors or courses, and they can also participate in online courses recognized by the college. These course credits will be recognized after being approved by the college.

Article Sixteen: Students who have studied the relevant courses through the self-taught higher education examinations outside the school in advance, the content of which is equal to or higher than the teaching requirements of the same or similar courses, with valid transcripts and relevant course materials can obtain the corresponding credits. Besides, the course can be exempted from studying or exam  upon the application for exemption of the course, which should be reviewed and confirmed by the department and the Office of Academic Affairs.

Section 3 Course Assessment and Score Recording

Article Seventeen: Students shall participate in the evaluation of the courses and various education and teaching links (hereinafter collectively referred to as courses) stipulated in the talent training plan of the college, and the assessment results shall be recorded in the final transcript and included in the students’ education files.

The methods of assessment and performance evaluation, as well as make-up examinations and re-studying for unqualified courses, shall be implemented in accordance with the Implementation Rules for the Credit System of Suzhou Vocational Health College.

Article Eighteen: The assessment and appraisal of students’ ideology and morality shall be based on Article Four of the Provisions for Student Management at Suzhou Vocational Health College, and take the form of personal summaries and democratic appraisal by teachers and students.

The comprehensive evaluation of students’ physical performance can be conducted from attendance, in-class teaching, extra-curricular exercise activities and physical health in accordance with the requirements of The Outline of Physical Education Course Guidance promulgated by the state and the shcool provisions of the P.E. curriculum standards. 

Article Nineteen: The courses or credits taken by students in each semester and each academic year, as well as the requirements for promotion and grade retention, shall be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the college’s talent training program and the Implementation Rules for the Credit System of Suzhou Vocational Health College.

Article Twenty: Students’ experiences and achievements through participating in innovation and startup events, social practice and other activities, publishing papers, obtaining patent authorization and other activities related to professional study and academic requirements can be converted into credits according to the relevant regulations of the college and included in their academic performance. The specific method of obtaining credits shall be implemented in accordance with the Implementation Rules for the Credit System of Suzhou Vocational Health College.

Article Twenty-One: The college shall truthfully and completely record and issue students’ academic achievements according to the related management system, and mark the results obtained through make-up examinations and retakes.

If a student seriously violates the assessment discipline or cheats, grades of the course will be recorded as invalid, and corresponding disciplinary sanctions will be taken according to the severity of the prohibited conduct. Once the time limit of disciplinary actions is over can students be given an opportunity to take the make-up examinations or retake the course.

For students who suspend their studies due to dropping out or other circumstances, the courses they have taken and the credits they have earned during their studies at the school shall be recorded. The earned credits of the student who retakes the entrance exam and meets the admission requirements to be re-enrolled should be reviewed by the department and finally recognized by the Office of Academic Affairs.

Article Twenty-Two: Students shall participate in the activities stipulated in the teaching plan on time. Those who cannot attend on time should ask for leave in advance for approval. Those who are absent without reason will be given criticism and education and even disciplinary sanctions according to the relevant regulations of the college.

Article Twenty-Three: The college conducts students’ integrity education, and the related department records the information of students’ academic and conduct integrity. The college establishes a restraint and punishment mechanism for violating academic integrity; corresponding disciplinary sanctions will be taken for those with serious misconduct; for those who violate academic integrity, they are restricted from obtaining academic titles and honors.

Section 4 Transfer of Schools and Disciplines

Article Twenty-Four: Students who are interested in and specialize in other majors during their stay in school can apply for a major transfer. Students who return to school after retirement and need to switch majors due to their own circumstances, can be given priority. Students who leave school for entrepreneurship and return to school can, due to their own needs, be given priority to transferring to majors related to entrepreneurship. The specific procedures for transferring majors are implemented in accordance with the Implementation Measures for Major Transfer of Suzhou Vocational Health College.

Students who have signed an agreement with the college before admission are not allowed to switch their majors in accordance with the relevant regulations of the state.

Article Twenty-Five: If the college needs to adjust the major according to the development and changes of the society’s demand for talents, with the consent of the students, it can adjust the majors of the students when necessary.

Article Twenty-Six: Students should generally complete their studies at the admitted school. Those who are unable to continue their studies in this school due to illness or have special difficulties or special needs can apply for transfer to other colleges. Under any of the following circumstances, students should not be transferred:

(1) Being enrolled for less than one semester or one year before graduation;

(2) The college entrance examination score is lower than the admission score recquired by the school to be transferred to;

(3) Those who will change from a lower educational level to a higher educational level;

(4) Those who have been admitted through targeted employment enrollment;

(6) Those who do not have a legitimate reason for transferring to another school.

If students need to transfer due to changes in school training conditions or other reasons other than their own, the school will issue a certificate. The provincial education administrative department will coordinate the transfer to a school of the same level.

Article Twenty-Seven: For students to transfer schools, the students themselves should apply and explain the reasons. With the consent of the school and the school to be transferred to, the transferred school is responsible for reviewing the transfer conditions and relevant certificates. It can be transferred in after the decision of the academic affairs meeting.

For inter-provincial transfers, the provincial education administrative department of the transfer-out place shall consult with the provincial education administrative department of the transfer-in place, and go through the transfer procedures after confirming the transfer conditions. If the household registration is required to be transferred, the provincial education administrative department of the transfer-in place shall send a copy of the relevant documents to the local public security organ.

Article Twenty-Eight: The school shall publicize the transfer situation in a timely manner in accordance with relevant national regulations, and within 3 months after the transfer is completed, the transferred school shall report it to the provincial education administrative department for the record.

Section 5 Suspension and resumption of school

Article Twenty-Nine: Students can complete their studies in stages within the maximum study period specified by the college (including suspension and retention of student status), unless otherwise specified.

Article Thirty: If a student applies for a suspension of study or the college deems it should be suspended, the college will approve the suspension. If the suspension starts before the end of the semester, the semester will be calculated as suspension. During the semester, resumption of school is not allowed. The period of suspension is counted into the total years of study in the college. Students retain their student status during the suspension period, but do not enjoy the rights and interests of students on campus.

Students who have one of the following circumstances shall be suspended from school:

1. Those who cannot persist in their studies due to illness, and are diagnosed by the designated hospitals as needing rest and recuperation treatment;

2. Married girls who need childbearing;

3. Entrepreneurs who apply for leave of absence;

4. Targeted-employment and entrusted students who interrupt their studies due to the needs of work;

5. The accumulated leave in a semester exceeds one third of the total studying hours of the semester.

Article Thirty-One: Students who join the People’s Liberation Army of China (including the Chinese Armed Police Force) should apply to the Office of Student Affairs to retain their admission qualifications or to the Office of Academic Affairs for keeping their student status within two weeks of receiving the notice of enlistment. The college extends their admission qualifications or student status to two years after retirement. The retention time of the student status is not counted in the study period.

If students participate in the cross-school joint training project organized by the school, during the period of study in the joint training school, the school retains their student status.

During the period when students retain their student status, they will establish management relationships with their actual military units, schools and other organizations.

Article Thirty-Two: Students who request to suspend their studies should fill in the Application Form for Student Status Change of Suzhou Vocational Health College and submit relevant certificates. With the review of the department, the Office of Student Affairs and the Office of Academic Affairs and the approval of the dean in charge, the suspension can be handled.

Article Thirty-Three: Students can take a one-year suspension (under special circumstances, with the approval of the college, they can take two consecutive years of suspension), and the cumulative amount shall not exceed two times. Students who apply for a suspension of study to start a business can extend their study period by 1 year on the basis of the longest study period after their application, the review of the department, the Office of Student Affairs and the Office of Academic Affairs and the approval of the dean in charge.

Article Thirty-Four: Students whose school leave expires should apply to their department for resumption of school before the semester starts. After the preliminary review of their department, the Office of Student Affairs and the Office of Academic Affairs and the approval of the dean in charge, they can resume school and be enrolled in the corresponding class of the original major.

When applying for resumption of schooling due to illness, students must attach a recovery certificate issued by designated hospitals. Those who forge the diagnosis certificate and fail to pass the physical re-examination will not be allowed to return to school. Their medical expenses shall be handled in accordance with relevant national and local regulations.

When students who leave school for entrepreneurship apply for resumption of school, they must submit relevant certification materials for entrepreneurship, which will be reviewed and confirmed by the Office of Student Affairs.

Students who are recruited to join the People’s Liberation Army of China (including the Chinese Armed Police Force) must submit proof materials for their retirement.

Article Thirty-Five: If the student’s suspension or retention of student status expires, and the student fails to go through the formalities for resumption after two weeks of overdue, or if the physical re-examination in the application for resumption fails, the department will be responsible to go through the withdrawal formalities according to the regulations.

Section 6  Dropout

Article Thirty-Six: Students who fall under any of the following circumstances shall be withdrawn:

(1) For any reason (including suspension of study, etc.), students who have not completed their studies in the college for the prescribed period of study ;

(2) The period of suspension or retention of student status has expired, and the application for resumption of study has not been submitted within two weeks of the time limit, or the application for resumption of study has not passed and the formalities for continuing suspension of study have not been completed;

(3) Diagnosed by the designated hospitals, students suffer from illness or accidental disability and unable to continue studying;

(4) Failure to participate in the teaching activities stipulated by the college for two consecutive weeks without approval;

(5) Failing to register after the deadline set by the college and failing to perform the registration suspension procedures;

(6) Other circumstances under which they cannot complete their studies and should be dropped out of school;

If a student applies for withdrawal, he/she shall fill in the withdrawal application form in person, and go through the withdrawal procedures after being reviewed and approved by the college.

Article Thirty-Seven: For students who drop out under any circumstances, the facaulty should propose the withdrawal process and provide relevant supporting materials and inform the student of the withdrawal and the rights of representation and defense. Students who disagree with the decision can file an appeal in accordance with the college’s relevant appeals regulations.

Article Thirty-Eight: The Office of Academic Affairs invites the relevant legal affairs department to review the legality of the withdrawal proposal and relevant supporting materials submitted by the department, and then submit it to the college council.

Article Thirty-Nine: With the preliminary review of the facaulty, the approval of the Office of Academic Affairs and the Office of Student Affairs, a student can withdraw from the school. Students who withdraw from the school should leave the school within three days from the date the college approves the withdrawal application, and the student’s file should be returned to the hometown by the college. The household registration shall be transferred to the original household registration place in accordance with the relevant state regulations.

Article Fourty: The department to which the student belongs shall send the student who has dropped out a withdrawal certificate directly. If the student refuses to sign for it, then the decision will be reserved for collection; a student who has left the campus

may be served by post; if the student is difficult to contact, the department may use the school’s website, news media and other methods to send the notification.

Section 7 Study Period

Article Fourty-one: Based on the academic system stipulated in the talent training plan, a flexible study period shall be implemented. Students may complete their studies earlier or later. Unless otherwise specified, the long-term study period can be extended by two years on the basis of the time stipulated in the academic system.

The student’s study period is calculated from the date of registration of the new student.

Section 8 Graduation, Completion and Certificate

Article Fourty-Two: Students who have completed the courses stipulated in the talent training plan, attained the prescribed credits, and met the graduation requirements within the prescribed studying years will be allowed to graduate and the college will issue a graduation certificate.

Article Fourty-Three: Students who have completed the credits other than graduation thesis and graduation practice in advance can apply to their department to participate in the graduation practice in advance, which will be arranged by the relevant departments;if students who have completed the total credits and whose training fees are paid in full can apply to graduate procedures earlier with the reviewes of the competent department.

Article Fourty-Four: Students who have completed the courses of the talent training program within the study period stipulated by the college, but do not meet the graduation requirements, are allowed to graduate, and the college will issue a certificate of completion.

After graduation, students who pass the make-up examination within the specified time, complete their studies or have their punishment lifted, can be re-issued a graduation certificate. The graduation time of the graduation certificate issued after passing the certificate shall be filled in according to the date of issuance of the certificate.

Article Fourty-Five: Students who withdrew from school after having completed at least one year of courses are eligible to receive a Certificate of Higher Education; students who have studied in school for less than one year will be issued a realistic study certificate by the Office of Academic Affairs. 

Section 9 Academic Certificate Management

Article Fourty-Six: The college shall fill in and issue academic certificates in strict accordance with the type of school and the form of study determined at the time of enrollment, as well as the personal information filled in when students are enrolled. 

Students who change the personal information in the certificate such as name, date of birth, ID number, etc. during the school shall have reasonable and sufficient reasons, and provide corresponding supporting documents with legal effect.

Article Fourty-Seven:The college implements the management system for the electronic registration of higher education and academic qualifications, and shall complete the electronic registration of students’ academic qualifications in a timely manner in accordance with relevant regulations.

Students should complete the self-examination of freshmen’s student status and personal information verification according to the requirements of the higher education administrative department and the college.

Article Fourty-Eight: Students who complete studies of their major and second-mjaor can obtain a professional certificate of the second major.

Article Fourty-Nine: If a student obtains admission qualification or student status in violation of the national enrollment regulations, the college will cancel his/her student status and will not issue an academic certificate; the college will revoke the issued academic certificate according to law. Those who obtain academic certificates by cheating, plagiarism and other academic misconduct or other improper means will be revoked by the college in accordance with the law. If the revoked academic certificate has been registered, the college shall cancel it and report it to the education administrative department to declare it invalid.

Article Fifty: If the academic certificate is lost or damaged, the college will issue a corresponding certificate after verification by the applicant. The certificate has the same effect as the original certificate.

Chapter Four:Campus Order and Extracurricular Activities

Article Fifty-One: The college and students shall jointly maintain the normal order of the campus, ensure the safety of the college and provide a good environment for students’ study and life.

Article Fifty-Two: The college shall establish and improve the organizational form for students to participate in the management, and support and ensure that students participate in the management of the college in accordance with the laws and regulations.

Article Fifty-Three: Students should consciously abide by the code of civic ethics and the management system of the college, and create and maintain a civilized, clean, beautiful and safe learning and living environment. Establish awareness of risk-prevention and self-protection, and protect their own legitimate rights and interests.

Article Fifty-Four: Acts that impair social management shall be handled in accordance with the following circumstances: a student who is involved in  alcoholism, fighting, gambling, possesses drugs, takes or injects drugs; a student who circulates, spreads, produces, posts or disseminates obscene articles, books, magazines, pictures, recordings, or illegal articles, books, magazines or recordings; a student who preach, publicize theism, give out religious leaflets, and publish religious books disapproved by competent authorities. 

If it finds that a student has violated the law on campus or has a serious mental illness that may cause harm to others, the college may take necessary measures according to the law under the assistance of relevant departments.

Article Fifty-Five: No organization or individual may conduct religious activities in the college.

Article Fifty-Six: The college establishes and improves the student representative assembly system, provides necessary conditions for the student union to carry out activities, and supports its role in student management.

Students can set up and join student groups within the college. Students to establish groups should submit a written application in accordance with the relevant regulations of the college, report to the college for approval and implement the registration and annual inspection system.

The student groups shall operate within the scope of the constitution, laws, regulations and the management system of the college, and accept the leadership and management of the college. Only under the approval of the relevant departments of the college, student groups can invite off-campus organizations and personnel to hold lectures and other activities on campus.

Article Fifty-Seven: The college advocates and supports students and student groups to carry out academic, technological, artistic, cultural and recreational, sports and other activities that are beneficial to physical and mental health and growth.

Students’ extracurricular activities shall not affect the normal education and teaching order and college life.

Students participating in work-study program shall abide by laws, regulations, and the management systems of colleges, and perform relevant agreements on work-study program.

Article Fifty-Eight: A student who organizes or plans unlawful assemblies, demonstrations or other activities and refuses to heed dissuasion shall be given demerits.

Article Fifty-Nine: Violations of the relevant regulations on Internet use shall be punished according to the following circumstances: a student who has violated other laws and regulations related to Internet management or the campus network; a student who logs in to illegal websites and disseminate illegal text, audio and video materials, etc.; a student who exploits the network to make, copy, consult or spread false, bad or illegal information; a student who engages or assists in activities that endanger network security, including illegal intrusion into the network of others, interference with the normal functioning of others’networks, or the theft of others’network data.

Article Sixty: The college establishes and improves the student accommodation management system. Students should abide by the college’s regulations on student accommodation management. Students are encouraged and supported to practice self-management through the development of conventions.

Chapter Five: Rewards and Punishments

Article Sixty-One: The college will commend and reward students who have developed in an all-round way in moral, intellectual, physical, and aesthetic aspects, or who have performed outstandingly in ideological and moral, academic performance, scientific and technological innovation, sports competitions, literary and artistic activities, volunteer services, and social practice, ect..

Article Sixty-Two: Students who have displayed excellence will be presented with corresponding spiritual encouragement or rewards like honorary titles, scholarships, etc..

The college shall establish open, fair and impartial procedures and regulations, establish and improve the corresponding selection, publicity system in light of personal interests of students.

Article Sixty-Three: If a student violates laws and regulations, the college shall give him/her criticism and education, and shall take the corresponding disciplinary actions

according to the severity of the prohibited conduct.

Article Sixty-Four: The school shall, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, give warning, serious warning, record of demerit, academic probation,

academic dismissal, and expulsion to the student who violates any college regulations as well as government laws. 

Student disciplinary sanctions shall be carried out by following proper procedures, providing clear and sufficient evidence, defining the nature accurately and determining appropriate sanctions.

Article Sixty-Five: Before announcing the handling opinion, the school or department shall inform the student of the facts, reasons and basis for the opinion, and the student shall have the right to state his/her case and defend him-/herself. If the student applies by him-/herself, the school or department shall hear his or her statement and defense and other relevant opinions. 

The written disciplinary decision shall include contents as follows: the involved student’s basic information; facts and evidence of disciplinary action; the type, basis and time limit of disciplinary action; the approach and time limit of the appeal; other necessary contents.

After the college makes a disciplinary decision, the department to which the student belongs shall send the written disciplinary decision to the student directly, who shall sign for receipt of it; if the student refuses to sign for it, the decision will be reserved for collection. A student who is not in the campus may be served by post; if the student is difficult to contact, the department may use the school’s website, news media and other methods to send the notification.

Article Sixty-Six: The competent department shall file the materials related to the awards or the written disciplinary decision and the rescission of disciplinary action in to the documentary archives and the personal files of the student in a timely way.

Students who are dismissed by the college will be issued a realistic study certificate. Students who withdraw from the school should leave the school within three days from the date the college approves the withdrawal application, and the student’s file should be returned to the hometown by the college. The household registration shall be transferred to the original household registration place in accordance with the relevant state regulations.

Chapter Six: Students’ Appeal

Article Sixty-Seven: The college establishes a Student Complaint Handling Committee, which is responsible for accepting appeals filed by students who are dissatisfied with the handling or sanction decision.

The Student Complaint Handling Committee shall be composed of relevant persons in charge of the college, persons in charge of functional departments, teacher representatives, student representatives, persons in charge of relevant legal institutions etc., and external experts in law and education may be invited to participate.

The college should formulate specific measures for students’ appeals, improve the composition and working rules of the Student Complaint Handling Committee, and provide necessary conditions to ensure that it can perform its duties objectively and fairly.

Article Sixty-Eight: If a student has any objection to the college’s handling or sanction decision, he or she may file a written appeal to the Student Complaint Handling Committee within 10 days of receiving the college’s handling or sanction decision.

Article Sixty-Nine: The Student Complaint Handling Committee will review the complaint filed by the student, and make a conclusion and inform the complainant within 15 days from the date of receiving the written complaint. If the situation is complicated and a conclusion cannot be made within the prescribed time limit, it can be extended for 15 days with the approval of the person in charge of the college. If deemed necessary by the Student Complaint Handling Committee, it may recommend that the college suspend the implementation of the relevant decision.

After review, the Student Complaint Handling Committee believes that the facts, basis, and procedures for handling or sanction are inappropriate, and may make a review opinion recommending revocation or modification, requiring relevant functional departments to study it, and resubmit it to the College Council for decision.

Article Seventy: If a student has any objection to the review decision, he or she may file a written appeal to the provincial education administrative department where the college is located within 15 days from the date of receipt of the college’s review decision.

Article Seventy-One: From the date of delivery of the handling, punishment or review decision, students who do not file an appeal within the appeal period will be deemed to have given up their appeals, and the college will no longer accept their appeals.

If the decision on handling, sanction or review does not inform the student of the appeal period, the appeal period shall be calculated from the date when the student knows or should know the decision to handle or sanction, but the longest shall not exceed 6 months.

Article Seventy-Two: Students who believe that the college and its staff have violated these regulations and infringed on their legitimate rights and interests or if the rules and regulations formulated by the college are in conflict with laws and regulations and these regulations, may file a complaint with the provincial education administrative department where the college is located.

Chapter Seven: Supplementary Provisions

Article Seventy-three: These regulations will come into force on September 1, 2017, and the Office of Student Affairs shall be responsible for interpretation. The former Provisions for Student Management at Suzhou Vocational Health College (college document [2007] No. 62) shall be repealed at the same time. If the provisions of other relevant documents are inconsistent with these provisions, these provisions shall prevail.