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Rehabilitation Therapy Technology

Suzhou Vocational Health College

(Talent Training Program for Pharmacy Major)

Part one.Admission Requirements and Length of Program

1. Admission Requirement: Accredited Senior High School Graduates with qualified University Entrance Examination score

2. Length of Program: Three years 

Part two.Training Objectives and Career Orientation

1. Educational Philosophy and Mission Statement

The primary goal of the rehabilitation technology Program is to fulfill the motto of Suzhou Health College “Respect People and Cause, Be Excellent and Cordial”. The rehabilitation technology department strives to develop applied health talents with modern healthcare skills within a framework of profound reverence for the great and long traditions of the past and the core values of Chinese society, the high moral standards, professional ethics, team spirit, and a lifelong commitment to personal development and learning. Moreover, not only do the rehabilitation technology students acquire the practical knowledge and technical skills necessary for a career in rehabilitation and other allied professional specialties, but more importantly, the ability to adapt to a rapidly changing world and the steady advancements of the rehabilitation field of study and the rehabilitation profession. Most of all, the Rehabilitation Technology Department course of study provides a supportive and nurturing  approach to the moral, intellectual, physical  and aesthetic development of the complete student, and aims to produce a graduate who is resilient and embodies the cherished Chinese cultural values of care, cooperation, and independence.    

2. Training Objectives

Upon successful completion of the rehabilitation technology program, the student will demonstrate the following skills and competencies:

(1) A basic understanding and appreciation of the honored tradition and humanitarian spirit of medical care with a command of the scientific method and practical skills as well as a strong work ethic of collaboration and care.

(2)Mastery of the fundamental theory and practices of the rehabilitation technology profession and humanism, and the knowledge associated with the other medical disciplines.

(3)Ability to assess the patient's function and the ability to choose and develop rehabilitation plans.

(4)Ability to apply physical therapy, occupational therapy and Chinese medicine rehabilitation technology.

(5)Ability to apply speech therapy and psychotherapy.

(6)Ability to work CBR. 

(7)Mastery of essential computer skills and medical office equipment.

(8)Reading, writing and conversational skills in a foreign language.

(9)Have certain ability in medical literature retrieval and conducting evidence-based research.

(10)Familiar with the national health rules, policies, and medical regulations; to understand the dynamic development and industry standard of rehabilitation medicine.

(11)Awareness and understanding of occupational safety and environmental protection.

(12) Ability of good team cooperation and doctor-patient communication.

(13) Ability of independent learning, cooperative learning and scientific research.

(14)A healthy body, sound mind and judgment, strong interpersonal skills, environmental adaptability, innovative and creative spirit. 

3. Career Orientation

Rehabilitation technology graduates are in high demand today and have excellent employment opportunities in a variety of healthcare positions and agencies which promote better health, including public and private hospitals, community healthcare services, nursing homes, social welfare agencies, hospices, and so on.

Part three.Curriculum  (A period equals to a 40-minute class)

I.Compulsory Courses

1. General Compulsory Courses   

(1) Ideological and Moral Accomplishment & Fundamentals of Law 

Content includes: The course covers the important basic ideas and views of Marxism-Leninism, the Thought of Mao Zedong, the Theories of Deng Xiaoping, and the idea of “The Three Representatives” of Jiang Zeming. It will help students to establish the correct outlook on life, values, morality and law.

(2) Maoism & Introduction of Socialist Theory System with Chinese Characteristics

Content includes:Basic ideas and method of Marxism, fundamental theories, routes, principles and history of the Communist Party, and fundamental theories, routes and experience of Chinese Socialism.

(3) Physical Education and Health 

Option 1 ---Basketball

Content includes: Basic theory of physical education and health care knowledge; theoretical knowledge about basketball; moving, passing, dribbling and shooting of basketball; running and breaking through with basketball; one-to-one defense and attack, give-and-go cooperation, post trailer play cooperation, rebound, passing and receiving, fast attack and basic strategy of two-to-one, three-to-one, three-to two.

Option 2 ---Volleyball

Content includes: Basic theory of physical education and health care knowledge; theoretical knowledge about volleyball; ready position and moving; digging, passing and serving the ball; lineup arrangement; strategy of attack and defense.

Option 3 --- Football

Content includes: Basic theory of physical education and health care knowledge; theoretical knowledge about football; playing, dribbling and stopping the ball, header, intercept and throw-in; strategy of individual, attack and defense; protection and covering in partial defense, crosscourt defense, combination defense, off-side skill; ways , rules of competition and code of arbitrage.

Option 4 --- Table Tennis

Content includes: Basic theory of physical education and health care knowledge; theoretical knowledge about table tennis; step technique, serving, receiving, blocking, chopping, attacking and doubles; basic strategy, arrangements and ways of contest.

Option 5 --- Badminton

Content includes: Basic theory of physical education and health care knowledge; theoretical knowledge about badminton; gripping, serving and receiving, batting of the ball, step method; strategy of single and doubles.

Option 6 --- Aerobics

Content includes: Basic theory of physical education and health care knowledge; theoretical knowledge about aerobics; movement of neck, shoulder, arms, body, legs, kneeling, sitting, lying and propping up; seven basic stepping methods of aerobics; sequences and routines; Latin-aerobics, Step-aerobics routines.

Option 7 --- Medical Sports & Sports Dance

Content includes: Basic theory of physical education and health care knowledge; theoretical knowledge about Medical Sports & Sports Dance; step, legs, hands movement, basic skills of Wushu, different ways of dancing; melody; practice of Qigong; self-defense for women, Taiji routines, routines of different dancing including Latin.

2. Professional Compulsory Courses  

(4) Human  Anatomy

Content includes: The normal structure of human anatomy,  the making-up, form and structures of motor system, nervous system, respiratory system, circulatory system etc, the law of life activity.

(5) Physiology

Content includes: the process, value of the normal functional activities of human body, and the internal and external environment to it. The function and Influencing factors of respiratory system, circulatory system , nervous system, etc.

(6) Career planning

Content includes: the basic concept of rehabilitation and rehabilitation medicine. The important position of rehabilitation medicine in modern medicine, and the relationship with other disciplines. The component and main content of rehabilitation medicine. The national health policies, rules and medical regulations. The development of rehabilitation medicine prospects and industry standards.

(7) Etiological Biology & Immunology 

Content includes: The definition and classification of etiological biology. The occurrence, developing and outcome of infections. The definition and classification of immunology, the definition and function of immunoglobulin, etc.

(8) Foundations in kinesiology  

Content includes: The basic principle of biomechanics and Sports Biomechanics,the relationship between material metabolism and life activities,the relationship between material metabolism and health. The characteristics of the human body shape structure and functional activity. Analysis of the movement posture and action.

(9) Rehabilitation Assessment  

Content includes: The basic method of physical examination; Classification of disability; The main contents and methods of assessment of body shape and function, assessment of activities of daily living, electrophysiological diagnosis, speech language function assessment, psychological and psychiatric disability assessment, perception and cognitive ability assessment.

(10) Development of human  

Content includes: The normal development law of visual, auditory sensation, gross and gross motor groined motor, language and Social psychology, etc. The characteristic changes of Motor function, intelligence, psychology, society in different human development stages.

(11) Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapy 

Content includes: The importance of traditional Chinese medicine therapy in modern rehabilitation medicine. The basic theory of knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine. The theory knowledge and the specific operation method of massage, acupuncture therapy.

(12) Clinical Rehabilitation 

Content includes: The pathogenic factors, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment principles of common diseases. The methods of rehabilitation assessment and rehabilitation therapy for common diseases and symptom.To cultivate the ability of physician-patient rapport,autonomous learning,cooperative learning and scientific research. 

(13) Physical Therapy   

Content includes: The basic concept, basic principles of physical therapy. The clinical indications and contraindications of various treatments. Basic skills and specific operation methods of physical therapy, including the usage of commonly used instruments and equipments.

(14) Occupational Therapy    

Content includes: The importance of occupational therapy in modern rehabilitation medicine. Understanding the basic concept and principles of occupational therapy, mastering the basic skills and specific operation methods of occupational therapy.

(15) Speech and Cognitive Therapy    

Content includes: The function and importance of speech therapy in modern rehabilitation therapy. The basic concept and principles of speech therapy, the clinical application, specific operating procedures and methods of  speech therapy.

 (16) Foundations in Psychology    

Content includes: The importance of psychological therapy in modern rehabilitation therapy. The basic concept and principles of psychological therapy, the clinical application, treatment principle and specific treatment procedures  of  speech therapy.

 (17) Rehabilitation Engineering   

Content includes: The importance of rehabilitation engineering in modern rehabilitation therapy. The classification and using method of prostheses and outhouses. The classification and using method of Walkers, wheelchairs and self help devices, and how to make common orthopedic appliances.

(18) Medical Research Design      

Content includes: Medical literature retrieval, principle of evidence-based research, clinical experimental design, basic principle of survey design and intervention, specific implementation and analysis method.

II.Elective Courses   

1. General Elective Courses  

(1) Chinese

Content includes: The collected sayings of pre-Qin thinkers manifesting the national spirit, and the celebrated works of some famous Chinese writers containing rich and lofty sentiments with special cultural significance. Knowledge of essays and literature retrieval, advertising skills, writing practice of narration, discussion, exposition and practical writings for different majors.

(2) Information Technology 

 Module 1: Fundamental functional knowledge of computer hardware, including the PC and networks. Computer software, security and virus prevention issues, and applications such as the MS Windows operating system and MS Office, with an ability to create documents in MS Word and MS Excel, create and transmit email messages in MS Outlook, and “surf” the Web using the Internet Explorer browser. 

Module 2: Demonstrate an elementary knowledge of VFP, a command of the MS Access database system with the ability to format and use tables and conduct database searches, object-oriented programming, create forms, reports and design labels, including the formulation of menus and toolbars.

(3) English

Content include: Students are supposed to expand their vision,cultivate their critical thinking and have a command of 5,000 English words. 

(4) Employment & Career Instruction

Content includes: Comprehensive analysis and assessment of students by themselves. The course helps students to take a correct attitude towards employment, pay close attention to employment method of self-marketing and finally take a right post according to the situation of the market and the student itself.

(5) Options (choose only ONE of the following courses in the 1st semester)   

Courses: Psychological Health, Hygiene and Sanitation Laws and Regulations, Conversational and Spoken English, Literature Appreciation, Calligraphy, Drawing,  Flower Arrangement, Interior Design and Decoration, Feminine Psychology and Self-Image Design, Music Appreciation, Business Etiquette and Negotiation, Human Resource Management, Public Relation Practice, Advertising, Lecture Skills, Culture Appreciation, Heredity and Eugenics, Principles of Esthetics, Nursing and Humanity, Nursing Etiquette, Nursing Ethics, Nursing Profession Protection, Dissertation Design and Writing, Medical and Nursing Science Data Retrieval.

2. Cross-major Elective Courses (2 periods in 6th semester)   

(1) Fundamental Theories of Nursing     Department: Nursing

(2) Nutrition and Diet  Department: Lab-technology & Pharmacology

(3) Fundamental Theories & Skills of Emergency First Aid   Department: Nursing

3. Professional Elective Courses   

(1) Medical Physics (in the 1st semester)

Content includes: Fundamental theories of mechanical, optical, electrical, magnetic, and wave liquid; Fundamental knowledge of common rehabilitation medical equipment.

(2) Image Diagnostics

Content includes: Fundamentals, theories and methods of image diagnostics, subject selection, normal imaging of human systems, imaging performance of common diseases.

(3) Community Rehabilitation

Content includes: Basic knowledge of statistics. The simple designing and using of community rehabilitation questionnaires. The management of disabled people,  chronic patients and the elderly in community. The health education of common crippling disease in community. The renovation guidance of Family environment.

III. Graduation Clinical Practice

The student will practice at a second-level hospital or above.

IV.Requirements of Activity Curriculum

Activity curriculum refers to those carried out through various activity projects and patterns in a well-purposed, organized and planned way. Being student-oriented and characterized by its practicality, autonomy, creativity and interestedness, these activity curriculum will incorporate the knowledge comprehensively and consist of  themes including “be thankful, be honest, be responsible, to care, to serve, to create and to develop” ,etc. 

(1)General Compulsory Activity Curriculum: Military Training, College Entrance Education, Social Practice, Security Instruction and so on;

(2)General Elective Activity Curriculum: Various competition of recreation and sport, club activities, volunteer activities and so on;

(3)Professional Compulsory Activity Curriculum: Specialty Introduction Ceremony, lectures related to Nursing major and so on;

(4)Professional Elective Activity Curriculum: Professional skill contest and so on.

Part four.Arrangements & Requirements of Practical Teaching, Military Training, Social Practice and the Second Class

1. Practical Teaching

 (1) in-class labs and clinical probation: In order to cultivate the students' comprehensive practical skills, students need comprehensive practice teaching training in laboratory in college and the training base outside , besides learning theoretical knowledge.

 (2) Graduation Clinical Practice

The student will practice at rehabilitation center ,a second-level hospital or above.

2. Military Training, Military Theory, Social Practice, the Second Class

2-week Military Training and 1-week Military Theory after the enrollment; 1-week Social Practice in Summer Vocation enabling students to know the development of nursing major and to train the spirit of working hard; 2 periods a week for the Second Class including the content of situation education, physical education, portrayal literature appreciation and so on.

Part five.Examination

The examination refers to the comprehensive one of knowledge, skill and attitude. 

(1).Curriculum Examination: It is divided into two categories, namely, examination and checking. 

(2). Practical Examination: consists of rehabilitation Assessment, Physical Therapy and Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapy. It is given by school teachers.

(3).Social examinations include National Computer Rank Examination(NCRE), Practical English Test for Colleges(PRETCO A&B) and College English Test(CET 4&6), Grades test of manipulation, massage.

(4).Graduation Internship Examination is organized according to the requirement of professional internship syllabus. 

(5).Graduation Examination subjects include Rehabilitation Assessment, Physical Therapy and Clinical Rehabilitation.