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Basic Theory and Skills of Traditional Chinese Medicine—SHU seminar

The certification ceremony of SVHC-SHU Seminar on Basic Theory and Technology of Traditional Chinese Medicine was held in Conference Room 223 of Administration Building on Shihu Campus on the morning of March 8, 2019. Presided over by Gu Shuqin, deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office, the ceremony was also attended by Wu Lirong, vice president of the College and relevant departments deans and teacher representatives.


The certification ceremony

At the graduation ceremony, six students from Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) made the study report. During the one-week study, they learned the traditional Chinese medicine treatment methods such as acupuncture, scraping and cupping, and compared and exchanged with our teachers and students on the use of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine in China and Britain. They also learned about the great achievements of the combination of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. Their visits to hospitals and medical institutions in Suzhou led to a rewarding harvest. Finally, they expressed their heartfelt thanks for the colorful course content and thoughtful arrangement, and expressed their determination to bring the learned knowledge in this course back to the UK and apply it to practice.


SHU students learning to make sachets and visiting nursing homes


The interaction between SHU and SVHC

Vice President Wu Lirong made a concluding speech and personally issued certificates for six SHU students. She said she was very happy to see SHU students experience such rich knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, and she looked forward to further expansion of cooperation, more diversified forms of communication, and more extensive areas of cooperation between the two schools. Finally, Wu wishes the two schools to work together to improve the quality of personnel training and bring international influence to a new level.

As a cooperative school of the "Articulation Programme" project, SHU has appointed senior professional teachers to conduct the "UK Teaching Week" in our college every year since 2016. In March of this year, McLean Sionnadh, a rehabilitation PhD supervisor and Griffith Vanessa K, a senior lecturer of nursing, were assigned to conduct teaching demonstration and professional introduction at our college, which were widely welcomed by our teachers and students.

International cooperative education program is one of the important tasks of the 13th Five-Year Plan for our college. The SVHC and SHU launched the “3+1 Articulation Program”in September 2015. This year saw the first batch of SHU students to come to SVHC for communication and study. Our college will take this opportunity to actively create opportunities to work with international universities, steadily expand the scale of international cooperation, improve the quality of personnel training, and further the college’s internationalization level.