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Campus Life

Accommodation Management


(college document [2017] No. 64)


Students should consciously maintain the safety of the dormitory area, enhance their safety and legal awareness, and improve their risk-prevention ability and self-management ability. Promptly discourage and stop bad behaviors that are detrimental to the safety and normal order of the dormitory.

1.Residential students should enter and leave the dormitory within the specified time according to the requirements of the school system. Anyone who enters or leaves after the specified time should explain the reason to the dormitory administrator and present a valid certificate to go through the registration procedures.

2. Residential students who need to borrow the dormitory keys for any reason must go to the dormitory management room with valid documents. Residents are not allowed to lend the dormitory keys to others; they are not allowed to change the door locks or add additional door locks without permission. If the lodging personnel lose the key, they should report it to the Office of Dormitory Management in time who will notify the logistics staff to uniformly replace the door lock. The cost of the new door lock is borne by the responsible personnel.

3. Visitors outside the school are not allowed to live together in the dormitory.

4. Visitors (same-sex only) must register in the duty room, present the corresponding ID cards for approval. When meeting guests, please do not disturb other classmates. Guests must leave the dormitory before 10:00 pm.

5. Students of opposite sex are prohibited to stay overnight or live together in the room. Family visits must be registered with the permission of the attendant and they should leave the dormitory within a limited time. The staff approved by the Office of Dormitory Management will be excluded.

6. Develop the habit of closing doors and windows and cutting off the power supply when leaving the room. Valuables should be properly kept. Residential students should stop small traders and hawkers from selling items in the dormitory, and report to the duty room and security office if they find suspicious behavior.

7. Combustibles and explosive substances, corrosive, highly toxic and radioactive materials are not allowed in the dormitory.

8. Increase fire-fighting awareness. When a fire alarm or other fire accidents is found, effective measures such as alarming, evacuation, and fire fighting should be taken in a timely manner to minimize losses.

9.The following behaviors that will endanger the safety of the dormitory and classmates are not allowed in the dormitory. Violators will be punished, and their corresponding legal and economic responsibilities will be investigated:

(1) Misappropriation or destruction of fire-fighting equipment without authorization;

(2) Use open flames in the dormitory;

(3) Use electric blankets, electric stoves, electric kettles, heaters, electric cookers, electric hot pots, induction cookers and other electrical appliances;

(4) Privately connect and pull the wires;

(5) Cooking in the dormitory.

10. When a public security or criminal case is discovered, the students present shall protect the scene under the premise of ensuring their own safety, report to the Security Office and the Office of Dormitory Management in a timely manner, and assist in handling follow-up matters. 

II. Public Health

Residential students should obey the following rules:

(1) Do not bring meals into the dormitory;

(2) Do not splash water out of windows and doors;

(3) Do not spit, litter husks and paper scraps and other debris;

(4) Do not put garbage directly in the corridor;

(5) Do not keep pets such as dogs, cats, birds, etc. in the dormitory.

III. Public Order

The following behaviors should be obeyed in the dormitory area:

1. Do not park bicycles in the dormitory;

2. Do not place stools, dumbbells and other heavy objects that seriously affect safety on the balcony;

3. Do not throw and smash various objects out of windows and balconies;

4. Do not use private ropes to dry clothes in corridors, rooms and other public places;

5. Do not play, kick, or skate in the dormitory area or corridors (basketball, football, volleyball and other big balls are not allowed to be brought into the dormitory, while they can be kept by the attendents in the duty room.)

6. Do not make loud noises in public areas;

7. Do not smoke, drink, gamble, or make troubles;

8. Changing rooms without permissions or over-occupying furniture is not allowed.

9. Equipment should not be damaged, dismantled or tampered with in any way. Any damage or missing should be compensated.

10. It is not allowed to engage in business activities such as leasing, repairing, and consignment sales and charging service activities.

IV. Public Facilities

1. Students should properly use and keep the water and electricity facilities, doors and windows, furniture, network lines and other facilities and equipment in the dormitory;

2. The furniture in the student dormitory is uniformly configured by the college;

3. The furniture used by individuals shall be kept by themselves, and the furniture used jointly shall be kept together, and the head of the dormitory shall be responsible;

4. No furniture may be lent to others or used interchangeably;

5. When students move the dormitory according to regulations, furniture such as desks, beds should not be moved without authorization;

6. The management personnel regularly check the public facilities and equipment. In case of loss or damage, the responsible person must compensate according to the price and deal with it according to the relevant regulations. If the reason or the responsible person is unknown, all students in the dormitory shall bear the responsibility;

7. When the graduates leave the school, the furniture and articles in the dormitory will be examined beforehand.

V. Water and Electricity

1. Save electricity, and turn off the lights when you leave the room;

2. Save water, and turn it off when you are not using;

3. If the water and electricity facilities are found damaged, it is necessary to register and apply for repairs in the duty room in time;

4. Do not use electric blankets, electric stoves, electric kettles, heaters, electric cookers, electric hot pots, induction cookers and other electrical appliances;

5. Do not cook in the bedroom;

6. Implement the subsidy policy for the water and electricity quota which will take the dormitory as a unit, and the subsidy quota is allocated regularly;

7. The water and electricity fees should be prepaid, and dormitory members must pay in time. Otherwise the water supply and power supply will be stopped according to regulations.

VI. Computers and TVs

When students use computers and televisions in the dormitory, they should:

1. When using computers and TV sets in the dormitory, one should consciously abide by the regulations of the state and the school on the information management of computers and TV sets;

2. Do not conduct computer networking across dormitories without permission;

3. During the study time specified by the school, please do not use the computer to play games, watch video discs and engage in other activities unrelated to study and scientific research. Do not use computers or televisions to play pornographic, reactionary video games and watch pornographic or reactionary videos;

4. Owners of computers and TV sets should implement electricity safety regulations and follow the school electricity usage system;

5. When using computers and televisions, they must not hinder others from studying and resting;

6. Owners of computers and televisions should take good care of their computers and televisions;

7. The TV can only be connected to the indoor antennas.

VII. Dormitory housekeeping

1. Overall Arrangement:

Furniture and daily utensils are placed at fixed points according to standardized requirements. The layout of the dormitory strives to be beautiful and elegant:

(1) Beds, desks, washbasin racks, bookshelves, box racks, hot water bottles and sanitary ware should be placed in a unified and fixed location based on the principles of beauty and convenience for life;

(2) The room should be ventilated frequently to keep the air fresh.

2. Wall:

The layout of decorating walls should be uniform, beautiful and healthy. All postings are secured with clear glue or thumbtacks. Please do not use paste and glue.

3. Bed:

(1) After getting up, fold the quilt and place it on the side of the bed by the window, and place the pillow on the opposite side of the quilt;

(2) Do not pile up sundries on the bed;

(3) Place shoes and cartons neatly under the bed.

4. Desktop:

Tea cups, decorative items, TV sets, computers and a few commonly used books on the table should be neatly placed; when people leave the dormitory, they must place their square stool under the table, and the desktop should not be stacked with cartons and other items.

5. Ground:

Keep the ground clean, and put nut shell and waste paper in the wastepaper basket. Please do not throw it away. Do not pile up washbasins, clothes and other sundries on the ground.


Books and items in the bookshelf should be neatly placed.

7. Others:

(1) Do not store sewage in the washbasin;

(2) Please hang towels and other daily necessities uniformly;

(3) Do not pull the rope to hang and dry clothes indoors;

(4) Do not stack dirty clothes for a long time;

(5) The garbage is bagged and sent to a fixed location.

VIII. These regulations will be implemented from the date of promulgation, and the Office of Student Affairs shall be responsible for interpretation. Regulations of Accommodation Management in Suzhou Vocational Health College (Revisied) (college document[2006] No. 146) shall be repealed at the same time.