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"SHU Basic Theory and Technology Seminar of TCM Program" & "British Teaching Week" Ended Successfully

On the morning of March 8, 2019, the completion ceremony of the "SHU Basic Theory and Technology Seminar of TCM of Suzhou Vocational Health College" was held in Conference Room 223, Administration Building, Shihu Campus. The closing ceremony was presided over by Gu Shuqin, deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office. Wu Lirong, vice president of the college, and heads of related departments and secondary colleges and teacher representatives attended the ceremony.


At the closing ceremony, 6 students from Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) in the United Kingdom first gave a study report. During the one-week study, they acquired acupuncture, scraping, cupping and other traditional Chinese medicine treatment methods, and exchanged ideas with teachers and students of our school on the different use of traditional Chinese medicine in China and Britain. They also learned about the integration of Chinese and Western medicine by visiting the hospitals and medical institutions in Suzhou and gained fruitful results. Finally, they expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the college's rich and varied course contents and considerate arrangements, and determined that they would definitely bring the new knowledge learned in this course back to the UK and apply what they have learned.


SHU students learn to make sachets; SHU students visit the nursing home


SHU teachers and students interact with teachers and students of our school

Vice president Wu Lirong made a concluding speech and issued certificates of completion to 6 SHU students in person. She expressed that she was very happy to see SHU students experiencing such a wealth of knowledge of Chinese medicine, and looked forward to the further cooperation between the two schools, more diverse forms of exchanges, and broader areas of cooperation. Finally, Vice president Wu Lirong wished that the two universities would work hand in hand to raise the quality of talent training and international influence to a new level.  

Since 2016, as a partner school of our college's "Overseas Undergraduate Express" project, SHU in the UK has selected senior professional teachers to come to our college to implement the "British Teaching Week" every year. In March of this year, McLean Sionnadh, a doctoral tutor in rehabilitation and Griffith Vanessa K, a senior lecturer in nursing, were selected to come to our school for teaching demonstrations and major introductions, which were widely praised by the teachers and students of our school.

Strengthening international cooperation in running schools is one of the important tasks of the college's "13th Five-Year" development plan. Our school and Sheffield Hallam University in the United Kingdom formally launched the "Overseas Undergraduate Express" project in September 2015. In this seminar on basic theory and technology of TCM, the first batch of SHU students came to our school for exchange and study. The school will take this opportunity actively to be in line with international standards, steadily expand the scale of international cooperation, improve the quality of talent training, and further enhance the international level. 

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