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The Delegation from the Dutch ROC MONDRIAAN College Visited Our School

Recently, the delegation of 4 people from the Dutch ROC MONDRIAAN school visited our college.

On the afternoon of October 30, Jiang Qiaoling, Vice president of the College, and Gu Shuqin, Deputy Dean of the Foreign Affairs Office warmly received the delegation. The two parties first had a friendly meeting in the conference room of Sanyuan Hotel, and conducted in-depth communications on the long- and short-term exchange of visits teachers and students visits of both sides, especially the visit of a group of teachers and students to the Netherlands for exchanges in late November of this year. The consultations ensure the smoothness of the visit and the quality of communication.

On the morning of November 1, the delegation came to Shihu campus for a campus visit and exchanges. Under the leadership of Shen Juan, the deputy dean of the Nursing Department, the delegation visited the nursing training center and communicated with the students who are about to go to the Netherlands for exchanges. The scale, facilities, management philosophy of the training center, as well as the politeness of the students and their ability to communicate in English left a deep impression on the Dutch teachers. Afterwards, the delegation visited the Library & Information Center. Director Zhang Yajuan explained the layout, functions, and collection of the library to the teachers in detail. The delegation also had a pleasant conversation with the teachers who are going to the Netherlands for exchanges and they expected that more teachers and students from our college will go to Netherlands for professional exchanges.


The delegation visit the Nursing Department & Library & Information Center

Since the ROC MONDRIAAN school in the Netherlands formally communicated with our college in 2015, the two sides have regularly organized teachers and students for exchanges , and conducted academic lectures and demonstration teaching in nursing and other majors. Our college will use this as a platform to further accelerate and deepen the academic exchanges with Dutch vocational colleges, effectively expand the international vision of teachers and students, enhance the ability of cross-cultural communication, and continue to promote the international level of the college's related medical majors.

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